What exactly is a


A podcast is an audio show that is distributed via RSS and distributed to various audio players for streaming or downloading. The definition changes with technology, as the format was first adopted by Apple iPod users who manually transferred the downloaded files to their devices. With the rapid development to date, podcasts are defined in a much broader sense than ever before.

In the most technical sense, it is an audio file that is downloaded to a device via an RSS feed. Unlike other digital audio, a podcast is usually referred to as a conversation rather than music. In many ways, a podcast is like talk radio on demand.


Audio-Transkription - Agentur Brunner & Rost

Ten considerations before you start your own

podcast channel

1. naming

Podcasts face stiff competition. There are so many competing for virtually any keyword combination you can come up with. However, if you don’t want to completely give up on your dream of launching your project, you need to choose a name that reflects your brand, your product or service and your values.

The name of your podcast is what people will hear or see first. It needs to be memorable enough for a potential reader or listener to remember and look it up. If the name of your project doesn’t make sense, has a strange spelling or is instantly forgotten, you’ll never get the audience you deserve. Learn more now

2nd niche

Podcasts can be divided thematically into two categories: Niche or Lifestyle. Even though a lifestyle podcast contains a limited number of complementary topics, the topics have different themes. Health, fashion and movie reviews may all appeal to the same person or audience, and they may even have related or overlapping topics, but by definition a niche is small and specialized. Learn more now

3. start podcast

One of the most frequently asked questions to developers is: How do you come up with your ideas? Anyone who has ever created anything knows that ideas come to you anytime, anywhere. When thinking of a theme and niche for your show, ask yourself the following questions:

What do I absolutely love?

What are the special things I love about it?

If you can answer these questions, you’re well on your way to having a good idea for a show. For example, let’s say you absolutely love video games. Just love them and play them all the time. But what about the ones you love? Maybe it’s the community and the friends you make through online gaming. So here’s a good idea: a podcast about online communities in games and relationships. Learn more now

4. audio post-production

Audacity is one of the best audio editing apps available. One reason for this is that it is free to download and use as it is open source. The other part is that it’s powerful and capable of putting together professional audio just as well as Adobe Audition or Apple’s Pro Tools. Regardless of your experience as a podcaster, it’s a great way to expand your ability to edit a podcast in Audacity. Learn more now

5. record the podcast remotely

If you simply need to record audio for more than 2 people and aren’t sure what the other people’s preferences are, Zencastr may be just what you need. As a browser-based web app, Zencastr uses each computer’s local storage to record either a WAV or MP3 file, depending on your preferences and subscription. Free users get MP3 recordings, while premium members can access the lossless WAV files. Once the recording is finished, the files are automatically uploaded and the host can download each person as a single audio track. Depending on your subscription level, there are also post-processing options that can be done directly through the app. Learn more now

6. create cover

Although the old adage is that you should never judge a book by its cover, people do. The same thing happens with podcasts. Potential listeners judge the quality, colors and composition of your podcast cover before they ever hear a second of your show. This means that as a creator, you should be sure to adhere to some basic principles for your podcast art that will get people to dig deeper into your content. Learn more now

7. distribute podcast

Once you’ve recorded some podcast episodes and are ready to get them out into the world, you have just one step left: submit your show to the myriad podcast directories for distribution. While there are pretty much an infinite number of places where podcasts can be found, there are a handful (okay, more than a handful) of places where you absolutely want to make sure your podcast is found. Learn more now

8. Blubrry PowerPress und WordPress

Kurz gesagt, Blubrry PowerPress ist ein All-in-One-Plugin, mit dem Sie einen Podcast vollständig von Ihrer WordPress-Webseite hochladen, hosten und veröffentlichen können. Sie müssen keinen externen Dienst in Anspruch nehmen (obwohl Sie dies können, wenn Sie möchten). Alles, von Abonnementoptionen über einen integrierten Player bis hin zur RSS-Verwaltung, funktioniert sofort. Jetzt mehr erfahren

In short, Blubrry PowerPress is an all-in-one plugin that allows you to upload, host and publish a podcast entirely from your WordPress website. You don’t have to use an external service (although you can if you want to). Everything from subscription options to an integrated player and RSS management works out of the box. Learn more now

9. Buzzsrout

Choosing a podcast host is difficult. You may know that you want to use WordPress somehow, but other than that, there are a lot of options to choose from. One of the options that may come your way is Buzzsprout. Buzzsprout is user-friendly, easy to bill and focuses on the people behind the microphone. As a result, the WordPress plug-in has set the same momentum for podcasters to succeed at all levels. Learn more now

10. podcast with Anchor.fm

Anchor.fm is probably the easiest service to start a podcast with. Purchased by Spotify in early 2019, the startup is booming and has taken its place as the go-to place for new podcasters. One reason for this is its ease, and perhaps more importantly, Anchor is a 100% free service that anyone can use. So let’s take a look and see if you’re the next one to go live here. Learn more now